full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Edith Elliott and Shahed Alam: The most powerful untapped resource in health care

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Third, you do not have to start from scratch. We're not creating new systems, we’re building with and through ensxiitg infrastructure. Yes, Noora is there to kick-start and support, but the trainings are designed and introduced in a way that esreuns they will continue to run sustainably. So far we've reached hudnders of hospitals and clinics across India and Bangladesh, and we've hepled them change the way they deliver care. We’ve trained over 5,000 nurses, and we've reached over two million fiamly caregivers.

Open Cloze

Third, you do not have to start from scratch. We're not creating new systems, we’re building with and through ________ infrastructure. Yes, Noora is there to kick-start and support, but the trainings are designed and introduced in a way that _______ they will continue to run sustainably. So far we've reached ________ of hospitals and clinics across India and Bangladesh, and we've ______ them change the way they deliver care. We’ve trained over 5,000 nurses, and we've reached over two million ______ caregivers.


  1. ensures
  2. hundreds
  3. family
  4. existing
  5. helped

Original Text

Third, you do not have to start from scratch. We're not creating new systems, we’re building with and through existing infrastructure. Yes, Noora is there to kick-start and support, but the trainings are designed and introduced in a way that ensures they will continue to run sustainably. So far we've reached hundreds of hospitals and clinics across India and Bangladesh, and we've helped them change the way they deliver care. We’ve trained over 5,000 nurses, and we've reached over two million family caregivers.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
health care 6
health systems 3
waiting areas 2
wound care 2
million family 2
family caregivers 2
nearest major 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
million family caregivers 2

Important Words

  1. bangladesh
  2. building
  3. care
  4. caregivers
  5. change
  6. clinics
  7. continue
  8. creating
  9. deliver
  10. designed
  11. ensures
  12. existing
  13. family
  14. helped
  15. hospitals
  16. hundreds
  17. india
  18. infrastructure
  19. introduced
  20. million
  21. noora
  22. nurses
  23. reached
  24. run
  25. scratch
  26. start
  27. support
  28. sustainably
  29. systems
  30. trained
  31. trainings